Unlocking Newent For Cyclists

Unlocking Newent For Cyclists

NCG Campaigns team has been working on ways to make Newent, and access to the surrounding countryside, more cycle friendly. As a result of this work we are pleased to publish ‘Unlocking Newent For Cyclists’ (August 2024).  A copy is available here if you would like to read it.

The section on Newent, in Gloucestershire County Council’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), features a number of suggestions from  ‘Unlocking Newent For Cyclists’. 

GCC Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

Following the Newent LCWIP publication we would also like to see improved links to Newent Community School via Johnson Road, the recreation ground and across the arboretum.

If you have ideas about how to make Newent more cycle friendly please use our contact form and share them with us.